- Apr 4, 2018Part 12: Born This Day (part 3) • Luke 2:8-20
- Mar 28, 2018Part 11: Born This Day (part 2) Luke 2:8-20
- Mar 25, 2018Part 11: Righteous! (part 2) • Romans 1:17 AM
- Mar 21, 2018Part 10: Born This Day (part 1) Luke 2:8-20
- Mar 18, 2018Part 10: Righteous! (part 1) • Romans 1:17 AM
- Mar 14, 2018Part 9: The Birth of Jesus Luke 2:1-7
- Mar 7, 2018Part 8: Zechariah’s Song Luke 1:67-80
- Mar 4, 2018Part 9: The Gospel and the Power of God (part 2) • Romans 1:14-17 AM
- Feb 28, 2018Part 7: “His Name Is John!” Luke 1:57-66
- Feb 25, 2018Part 8: The Gospel and the Power of God (part 1) • Romans 1:14-17 AM
- Feb 21, 2018Part 6: Mary’s Song Luke 1:46-56
- Feb 18, 2018Part 7: I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel • Romans 1:14-17 AM
- Feb 14, 2018Part 5: The Visitation Luke 1:39-45
- Feb 11, 2018Part 6: Paul Gets Personal • Romans 1:8-15 AM
- Feb 7, 2018Part 4: You Shall Call His Name Jesus Luke 1:26-38